The holidays are often one of the most hectic times of year for families. But there are ways to add more peace into your season and make these more fulfilling and less chaotic.
Here are a few strategies that can help!
And while there are downsides to too much screen time, there are also quite a few benefits to using technology for learning and early childhood development.
So, since we’re all using more tech, why not use the best apps and games that will not only be fun for your kids but also educational. We love a parenting win-win!
It’s a safe bet that if you’re reading this right now, you could use an extra hand in some area of your life. This tumultuous year has thrown us all for a loop, challenging us to overcome obstacles in our work lives and home lives. Creative solutions for making life more manageable, in turn, have risen to the forefront.
I haven’t spoken to a single parent or nanny lately who isn’t slightly overwhelmed. We’re all busy, trying to juggle virtual learning, indoor playtime, technology, and limited social activity time. So, on top of all of that, the last thing you need is a big mess to clean up at the end of the day.
Crafts and activities are one of the most helpful ways to keep kids active, learning, and most importantly, occupied. So you can have a few minutes to tackle your to-do list or just enjoy some peace and quiet.
Here are our top 10 ideas for no-mess (or low-mess) crafts that your kids are sure to enjoy!
Adding a four-legged friend to the family is an exciting and momentous occasion. It’s a great way to teach kids important lessons in responsibility and selfless care. And simply adds a new element of joy and companionship into the mix, often bringing the family closer together. But, as you know, it’s a big decision! Pets are time-intensive, expensive, and oftentimes quite stressful.
Here are a few ways you can make sure you (and your kids) are absolutely ready to take on your first family pet.
We’re all facing new challenges right now as we navigate the “new normal” that COVID-19 has created. Remote work, canceled plans, online learning… we’ve had to adjust and adjust quickly. Parents, you’re not alone. Trying to tackle it all can feel overwhelming. But there are plenty of things that are not canceled and tons of ways to have fun with the kids this spring and summer, while staying safe. Here are a few simple ideas to help keep them entertained and active for months to come.
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For the most part, parenting is a daunting venture, and for single moms taking on the task for the first time, it can be downright terrifying. But despite the lonesome nature of the job, know that you’re actually in good company. There are currently 11.3 million single parents in the US alone, and 81.5 percent of these are mothers. And well, you might not realize it yet, but you’re just as capable as these amazing women. So without further ado, here’s how you can prepare yourself for the wild and oh-so-rewarding ride ahead of you.
Get in the right mindset.
There’s no other way around it—you will be going into parenthood scared and uncertain. The good news is this is completely natural. Even better, you will get past this fear in no time.
The key is in knowing that you are up for the challenge. It really helps to take it one step at a time—stage by stage and not looking too far in the future to cause premature panic. Bear in mind that the right mindset will not only keep you soldiering on, it will also alleviate worries that could hold you back.
NannyPod - How You Can Get Single Motherhood Right First Time
Get organized.
As a single mom, you’ll be constantly juggling childcare, work, housework, and maybe even a social life. Overwhelming? Yes! But not at all insurmountable, especially with good organization and an even better game plan.
First thing’s first—structure is king. Having a solid routine makes things easier on you, so start by making a plan and sticking to it. On another note, the reality is you’re going to go through some really tough and downright crazy periods. Being organized will not only keep you on track, but it will also save your sanity. For example, running to the store at midnight to pick up diapers because you’ve run out is simply not an option when you’re taking care of a newborn by your lonesome. By staying on top of things and keeping supplies replenished, you will save yourself plenty of grief.
Get support.
As a single mom, you might find yourself wanting to prove to the world that you can do this—that you can successfully raise a kid on your own. Again, this is natural. What’s not natural is putting undue pressure on yourself.
You know what they say: it takes a village to raise a child. And though your circumstances might seem otherwise, you need to accept that you are, in fact, allowed to get help when you need it.
You’ll be surprised to know just how much support is available for single moms, from professional childcare to playgroups, online forums to the celebrated ‘mom tribe.’ And don’t overlook your family and friends. More often than not, all you really have to do is ask.
Get insurance.
Of course, a huge part of being a good parent is being prepared. Few things will shake your confidence more than surprise incidents, so being ready for possible scenarios will make you more capable to deal with them competently.
Insurance is a great way to equip yourself against serendipitous events—specifically, car insurance if you rely heavily on private transportation to get around. Sad to say, single parents pay more for car insurance than married couples. Not only that, there are no known discounts for single parents. This is not to say, however, that single moms are without options. There are, in fact, other discounts available that you might be eligible for, such as group or mileage discounts or even a safe driver discount. Make sure to ask your agent what options are available to you.
In addition to a decent auto policy, be sure you fully understand your health benefits and coverage by reviewing changes every year and take the time to sign up for life insurance. It’s a hard thing to consider, but if something were to happen to you, you’ll want your baby to be taken care of.
It’s been said that single motherhood is not for the fainthearted. It might even be the hardest job you would ever take. But it is—hands down—also the most empowering and rewarding, and that right there what makes it infinitely worthwhile.
NannyPod provides long term nanny matches and short term occasional date-night babysitters and infant care on demand, at an affordable price. Our service is convenient, safe and secure for families and our staff. Parents can request childcare instantly by using the NannyPod app. Get started with NannyPod today and find babysitters or nannies for your childcare needs!
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Do you ever wish you had a second set of hands to help run your business? NannyPod software feels like an extension of your team. Childcare professionals across the country are taking advantage of NannyPod software in order to streamline their day-to-day operations, increase their productivity, and grow their business in a more profitable way.
While it is always important to allow playtime for your child, it is even more crucial you consider how many hours they sleep in a day to enhance physical and mental well-being. Bedtime can be really troubling when your child does not want to abide by the bedtime routine. If a child has problems sleeping, it also affects the care giver's sleeping patterns, which can lead into a difficult cycle of sleepless nights that can prove to be hard to break.
So how do you help your child get the sleep that you both deserve?
Create A Bedtime Routine
If your child is either a toddler, preschooler, or an infant, creating a consistent bedtime routine will help you put them to sleep. A good bedtime routine promotes self-sufficiency that enables a child to go back to sleep at night. This could include sending them to bed at the same time every night, hopping into their pajamas, and reading a book together to tire the eyes.
Help your child become an independent sleeper by developing routines that make them feel safe sleeping on their own. If you create activities such as bedtime stories, you set a perfect sleeping atmosphere, and your child relaxes and automatically become sleepy.
Reduce Stressful Activities Before Bedtime
Participating in engaging and stressful activities before bedtime can trigger the release of hormone cortisol that plays a role in sleep. Higher levels of cortisol means higher levels of energy. Always keep the environment quiet and tranquil to minimize the release of this stress hormone and help them get to sleep quicker and easier.
Create an Individualized Bedtime Schedule
It’s important to understand the sleeping patterns of your child for you to create an effective sleep and bed time schedule for them, and to do so, you must realize that children need different hours of sleep according to age. Although not all kids need or want the same amount of sleep, the usual rule of thumb is to make sure that they sleep between nine and eleven hours each night. An individualized bedtime routine will guarantee that your child wakes up refreshed despite the difference in sleep and wake-up times.
Power Down Electronic Devices A Few Hour Before Bedtime
Screen light from devices such as television can increase brain activity and inhibit the production of sleep-time hormones. High levels of melatonin and serotonin means that your child is ready to sleep. Ensure that your child participates in physical activities to drain their energy instead of watching children programs on devices. You can improve your child sleeping patterns by ensuring that the bedroom is a screen-free zone.
Create A Sleep-Inducing Environment
Although toys can provide protection and reassurance from bedtime fears, do not stuff the bed to make it easier for the child to sleep. Make the bedroom more comfortable by adding cozy bed sheets and regulating the room temperatures to their preferred sleeping environment.
Make sure that your child gets enough sleep to help them fight off illness and promote physical well-being. If you notice that your kids have trouble getting to sleep, or even detect irregular sleeping patterns, talk to their pediatrician for professional help.
*Although toys can provide protection and reassurance from bedtime fears, do not stuff the bed to make it easier for the child to sleep. Make the bedroom more comfortable by adding cozy bed sheets, and regulating the room temperatures to their preferred sleeping environment. For infants, it is recommended that they sleep on a firm, surface free of pillows and plush toys at least until their 12th month to reduce the risk of suffocation. The death of 8 babies due to inclined loungers led to products such as Boppy Infant getting recalled.
NannyPod provides long term nanny matches and short term occasional date-night babysitters and infant care on demand, at an affordable price. Our service is convenient, safe and secure for families and our staff. Parents can request childcare instantly by using the NannyPod app. Get started with NannyPod today and find babysitters or nannies for your childcare needs!
Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | District of Columbia | Florida | Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming
AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, D.C., DE, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY
Do you remember the last time you woke up energized and ready to go, the kids got dressed and ate breakfast in a timely manner, and everyone shuffled into the car peacefully? Yeah, me neither…
Mornings with kids have become notoriously chaotic. Some days getting everyone dressed, fed and out the door can feel as challenging as climbing a mountain. But we believe it doesn’t have to be this way! Let’s talk about a few simple ways you can take back control of your morning routine.
I’ve heard it said that out of (1) social life, (2) family time, and (3) exercise, you can only really have two. But, I don’t believe that and neither should you! While yes, having kids can feel all-consuming at times, you don’t have to let your exercise fall in the priority list. Having a consistent and healthy exercise routine is critical, not just for your physical well being, but for your emotional well being and confidence.
Do you ever wish you had a second set of hands to help run your business? NannyPod software feels like an extension of your team. Childcare professionals across the country are taking advantage of NannyPod software in order to streamline their day-to-day operations, increase their productivity, and grow their business in a more profitable way.
Being a stay-at-home parent is rewarding and challenging in so many ways. It allows for quality time and closeness during those early years (that you can never get back), as well as a freedom and flexibility that a structured career simply doesn’t allow. Drop-offs and pick-ups, school activities, social events, etc. all become more feasible with one parent at home.
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