Premium Support Services(Coming Soon!)
Nanny Agencies
Child Day Care Centers
Stay-at-Home Moms
Moms Groups
Babysitting Groups
Local Suburban Community Associations / Neighborhoods
Entrepreneurs who want to run a business from home
1-on-1 attention from dedicated product experts
For all things software related, your Premium Services Specialist becomes your go-to person.
Project Manager -We personalize your onboarding experience while aligning your NannyPod site with your unique needs and goals.
Liaison -We facilitate a close working relationship to assist in prioritizing business initiatives, add-ons or partner services.
Software Support -We provide highly accountable, personalized support for all NannyPod-related questions.
Staff Training -We prepare and train staff members, while also limiting disruption to the business by helping combat staff turnover with customized materials.
Exclusive perks for Premium Services clients
Be the first to know about software updates and upgrades, and your feedback will be considered through enhancements to our product.
Receive exclusive discounts on NannyPod events and industry conferences.
Ideal for businesses that forge their own path
Looking to maximize the potential of the software
Having a unique, complex or high-volume business model
Expanding to new locations or looking to franchise
Managing staff across multiple locations
Innovative and focused on differentiating from competitors
“Helping clients in the childcare industry develop a strategy to grow and thrive
- Kevin N. Hedges, CFO
If you have any questions, please contact:
(843) 819-3840