art project

Creative Ways to Keep Kids Active on Rainy Days

When the weather is beautiful, it’s a piece of cake to get the kids out and about, running around until the sun goes down. Beach days and park playdates are a dream for parents and sitters. But do you ever feel like there are just more rainy days than you bargained for? Spring and Summer roll around, and so do those afternoon showers. We know how important it is to keep kids active and moving - not only for their health, but also for developing their imagination, and socialization with other kids.

How to Encourage Imaginative Play

There is a lot of beauty in technology, and there are a million ways to use it wisely with kids. We certainly don’t believe it should be avoided entirely - however there is such a thing as too much of a good thing! So we’re unplugging, getting our hands dirty, and getting in touch with a little imagination!
