Dads Day — Parenting, Babysitter, Nanny and Infant Care Blog. — nannypod

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Dads Day

When is Fathers Day 2022?

Fathers Day is Sunday June 19th 2022, so make sure you put it in your calendar. Do something special to commemorate the occasion with your loved ones! Buy a gift, make dinner, send a card, buy him a hamburger (cheap, easy… and most men can’t resist a decent burger!). Most of all, enjoy the special day.

Father's Day is observed on the third Sunday of June. It honors all fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, and father figures for their contribution. The Day was created to complement Mother's Day.

Father's Day around the world

Many countries including the United Kingdom, France, Ireland, Japan, India, Philippines, South Africa and China celebrate Father’s Day on the third Sunday of June. Germany celebrates the Day on Ascension Day which is the Thursday 40 days after Easter. Italy, Spain, and Portugal celebrate on March 19. Austria and Belgium on the second Sunday of June, Denmark on Constitution Day June 5th, and Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland celebrate second Sunday of November. Russia celebrates Father’s day on Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23. Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and United Arab Emirates celebrate on the first day of summer on June 21st. Australia, New Zealand and Fiji celebrate the first Sunday of September. For more on countries celebrating Fathers Day.

According to the United States Census 60% of all men are Dads in the United States, with 8% of kids being born to men under the age of 20, 60% of kids born to men between the ages of 20 to 29, and 32% of kids born to men over the age of 30 [1].

President Nixon on April 24, 1972 signed P.L. 92-278 into law officially making Father’s Day a federal holiday celebrated on the third Sunday in June [2].

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