Long Term Childcare - Part Time and Full Time Nanny Search
Part-time and full-time nannies are available via NannyPod Boutique. We do not charge placement fees. We have a simple subscription that you can cancel anytime. There are a few optional extras you can choose at your convenience. Thank you.
Nannies, provided through NannyPod, are the easiest hassle-free way for parents to get reliable consistent childcare. You can now have complete peace of mind knowing that a local nanny will look after your children on a regular basis, even throughout the night when needed. You can also request our approved Nannies on a one-time basis for back up childcare or a date night appointment via the new super-fast NannyPod app.
“My daughter asks me if Carrie can take her to the aquarium. Having a Matched Nanny helps me and my husband keep the family organized—we love it!””
Full Time and Part Time Nannies
Recommendations | Part-Time Nanny | Full-Time Nanny |
Platinum or Gold Subscription Level Recommended | Yes | Yes |
4 Hour Appointment Minimum Recommended | Yes | Yes |
20 Hours/Week Recommended | Yes | N/A |
40 Hours/Week Recommended | N/A | Yes |
2 Weeks In Advance Scheduling Recommended | Yes | Yes |
2, 6, 12 or 24 Month Contract Recommended | Yes | Yes |
31 Day Termination Notice Recommended | Yes | Yes |
Family Consult Recommended | Yes | Yes |
How We Qualify & Find Nannies
All of our full time and part time Nannies have childcare experience, in addition to a selection of other qualifications.
Salary Pay Grade | Highest | Medium-High | Medium | Medium-Low | Lowest |
Experience | CPR + Other Qualifications | CPR + Other Qualifications | CPR + Other Qualifications | CPR + Other Qualifications | CPR + Other Qualifications |
Recommended Demographics | Average City Income Above $100K | Average City Income Above $85K | Average City Income Above $70K | Average City Income Above $55K | Average City Income Above $40K |
Other Qualifications May Include: First Aid | CPR Certified | Newborn Care Specialist (NCS) | Neo-natal Resuscitation Program Certification (NRP) | Pediatric Emergency Assessment Recognition & Stabilization Certification (PEARS) | International Nanny Association Member (INA) | Childcare Related Undergraduate Degree | Childcare Related Graduate Degree | Registered Nurse Qualification (RN) | Languages | Teacher Experience
Sourced: Via a variety of different recruitment portals including Google Jobs, Yahoo Jobs, Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, Twitter, LinkedIn, ZipRecruiter, Indeed, Glassdoor and more!
Family Consults
Family Consults in person with one of our staff are a pre-requisite when looking for a long term childcare Nanny Match. We will identify your exact infant / childcare needs. You can easily request a consult by text message to 843 819 3840, online or through the app once you are registered and have paid the membership fee.
If you have further questions about long term childcare matched nannies or nanny placements, please contact NannyPod Headquarters:
(843) 819-3840