Matched Nannies - Time Off


About Time Off

NannyPod recommends to families to offer your matched Nanny:

  • Paid Time Off (PTO)

  • Paid Sick Time Off (PSTO)

  • Unpaid Time Off (UPTO)


The Easy Way To Offer Time Off

We recommend to families that you allow the Nanny's Time Off to accumulate gradually and run the work week Monday to Sunday:

Part-Time Nanny Example - Working 20 Hours / Week

  • 4 Hours Time Off after 4 Weeks worked by the Part-Time Nanny

  • 4 Hours is 1 Day Off for a Part-Time Nanny

  • 20 Hours is 1 Week Off for a Part-Time Nanny

Full-Time Nanny Example - Working 40 Hours / Week

  • 8 Hours Time Off after 4 Weeks worked by the Full-Time Nanny

  • 8 Hours is 1 Day Off for a Full-Time Nanny

  • 40 Hours is 1 Week Off for a Full-Time Nanny

This helps families and the nannies track Time Off easily from the original start date. Families are responsible for tracking PTO, PSTO & UPTO, and when it has been used.


How To Set Paid Time Off / Paid Sick Time Off (Best Practices)

  1. Nanny must request PTO/PSTO via email to the matched family.

  2. Family must confirm PTO/PSTO via email.

  3. Family then schedules either 20 Hours (part-time Nanny) or 40 Hours (full time Nanny) for each 1 week of PTO/PSTO, or 4 Hours (part-time Nanny) or 8 Hours (full time Nanny) for each 1 Day of PTO/PSTO.

  4. Put in your appointment notes section that it is PTO or PSTO.

  5. The Nanny will still need to Clock In/Out, and put notes in that it was their PTO or PSTO.

  6. Both the Family & Nanny should make a personal note of the PTO or PSTO used up.


How To Set Unpaid Time Off

  1. Nanny must request UPTO via email to the matched family.

  2. Family must confirm UPTO via email.

  3. Both the Family & Nanny should make a personal note of the UPTO used up.


*Naturally the Nanny is the one who determines when they would like/need their Time Off, if enough has been accumulated. Obviously each Nanny should be respectful to the family, and give as much notice as possible regarding all types of Time Off.

** We recommend to only offer PTO, PSTO & UPTO to your Matched Nanny, not to occasional Babysitters or Infant Care Nurses. However it truly is at each family's discretion. 

If you have questions, please contact:

(843) 819-3840
